Wednesday, 3 April 2013

What is Graphic Design?

"Graphic design is a form of visual communication used to convey a message or information to an audience; it is a visual representation of an idea, relying on the creation, selection, and organization of visual elements. Powerful graphic design imbues a message with greater meaning.

"Graphic design is therefore one of the ways in which creativity takes on a visual reality," according to Professor Alan Robbins (Kean University).

A graphic design solution can persuade, inform, identify, motivate, enhance, organize, brand, rouse, locate, engage, and carry or convey many levels of meaning. A design solution can be so effective that it influences behavior: you may choose a particular brand because you are attracted to the design of its package, or you may donate blood after viewing a public service advertisement."
  • Extract from the book titled "Graphic Design Solutions - 4th Edition" - by Robin Landa

With this understanding we can see that graphic design can be used very effectively if used properly, though used poorly would undermine your efforts and may even leave you confused as to why you did not get the expected results.

Graphic design can consist of a variety of visual elements, but the effectiveness of the final graphic design will depend on the use of these elements.

Graphic Design Solutions - 4th Edition is a brilliant book that I am currently working my way through and I recommend you read it if you are interested in graphic design, either as a hobby or even if you are a professional, you can never be too well informed.

Keep in mind that graphic design is not only pictures on a page, but the use and organization of visual elements, and effective graphic design is the use of those elements in such a way as to elicit the desired response.